Color Therapy
Colors and Living Body
Electromagnetic waves called Biophtons are emitted from every single cells. A famous Russian biologist, physician and professor of histology in the 1920s, Alexander Gavrillovich Gurwitsch discovered ultra-weak UV photon emissions from living tissue in 1923. In 1974, Fritz-Albert Popp, German biophysicist and cancer radiotherapist discovered a wider spectrum of ultra-weak photon emission from DNA by photomultiplier. This Biophoton, in another word, is light, and light is corpuscular (particle) and undulatory (wave). Broadly speaking, the wavelength is a part of this undulatory wave and it is the key to Color Therapy.
Wavelength is emitted not only from cells but also from any living beings. Each color used in Color Therapy has different wavelength. The wavelength is changed rapidly in length and width based on cell’s own activities depending on the conditions of the body. If you walk to a different place, cells have to change by altering their wavelength in order to adapt to a new environment. It can be explained as decentralized autonomous system. The decentralized autonomous system is that an individual element is independent but mutually interactive with each other so that they become systematic as a whole without central function. Each cell functions as single substance or compound materials.
What’s important is from here. Normal cells will turn into abnormal cells. In the process of forming illness, cells recognize the bad circumstances (the burden to body) are the normal environment. It takes time and various environmental influences for someone to become ill.
When normal cells become abnormal, the wavelength is also changing. If we can influence on the wavelength to make the length and width the same as normal cells’ (same as the original’s) and can keep it for a long time, cells will recognize the circumstances as normal one, they will go back to normal cells.
By applying the same wavelength over the abnormal cells, it will reset “ordinal” and bring it back to normal cells. It is called antiphase.
What is Color Therapy?
Let’s say there are 2 rooms: One with the walls painted in red, the other one in blue. When we enter into a red room, the nerve gets stimulated and sympathetic nerve will become predominant. People generally feel more excited and can’t sit still in the red room. On the other hand, when we enter into a blue room, the nerve gets sedated and parasympathetic nerve will become predominant. We can focus more and relax (Research by Reiko Hashimoto on “Life style and environmental color uses influencing on human body”).
A famous Helen Keller who was blind and deaf, said in her book, “The Story of My Life” that she was able to tell the differences in colors by touching them. Why do you think she could?
We have a biological pigment called rhodopsin in the rods of the retina. It is a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). When rhodopsin is exposed to light, it immediately photobleaches and we are able to recognize red, blue etc. However, Helen Keller does not have rhodopsin. Why can she tell colors?