Conditions Treated
Acupuncture are widely known as a pain control treatment here in the United States. It has been suggested that endorphins are released into the blood stream when acupuncturists insert the needle to the specific acupoints. Endorphins are your body’s natural pain reliever. Acupuncture, however, is not only for pain control but is globally used for varieties of conditions. In our clinic, the areas we treat are included, but not limited to:
Musculoskeltal Problem
Sports Injuries
Low Back Pain
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain - Impingement Syndrome, Frozen Shoulder
Elbow Pain - Golf Elbow, Tennis Elbow
Wrist Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, De Quervain's
Hip Pain
Knee Pain - Pes Ansarine Bursitis, IT band Syndrome
Ankle Pain - Sprain/Strain, Achilles Tendonitis
Foot Pain - Planter Facsiitis
Herniated Disc
Internal Organ Problem
Common cold, Allergic rhinitis, Various allergies
Respiratory disorders (asthma, bronchitis etc)
Gynecological problems (menstrual pain, irregular or no menstruation, PMS, menopause, infertility etc)
Male sexual dysfunction, urology issues (bladder infection, frequent urination, incontinence, BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) etc)
Digestive issues (acid reflux, bloating, gas etc),
Pregnancy assistance (morning sickness, pain associated with pregnancy, breach birth, induction of labor, post-partum care such as insufficient lactation, depression etc),
Neurological problems (migraine, vision problems, Bell’s Palsy, Meniere Disease etc)
Psycho-emotional disorders (anxiety, depression, insomnia etc)
Thyroid disorders
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis
Post-stroke recovery
Addiction (drug, smoking, alcohol)